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Nikhil Bansal
Nikhil BansalPatrick C. Fischer Professor of Theoretical Computer Science

Research interests:  Theoretical computer science with emphasis on design and analysis of algorithms for discrete optimization problems. I also dabble in related areas such as discrete math, complexity theory, machine learning and probability.

Some Surveys :
Potential-Function Proofs for Gradient Methods. Nikhil Bansal, Anupam Gupta.
Algorithmic Aspects of Discrepancy.  Chapter in the book Panorama of Discrepancy Theory.New developments in iterated rounding. Write up for a talk at FSTTCS 2014.

Current and Past Advisees:

Phd:  Marek EliasShashwat Garg, Greg Koumoutsous, Bart Kamphort (joint), Jorn van der Pol (joint)
Postdoc: Christian Coester, Ilan Cohen, Jatin Batra, Makrand Sinha (joint),Laszlo KozmaThijs Laarhoeven, Lukasz Jez, William Seeun Umboh

Recent Teaching:

Notes for IPCO summer school (lec1, lec2, slidesexercises)

Randomized Algorithms (Sp 2021).

Algorithms beyond worst case (Sp 2018). Some lecture notes. 

Advanced Semidefinite Programming (Sp 2017)
Algorithms and Uncertainty: Fall 2016  (at UC Berkeley)

Graphs and Algorithms (2MMD30)
Approximation Algorithms (2WO07)
Freshman Linear Algebra

Seminars: CWI N&O seminarHierarchies Reading Group,  Eindhoven Discrete Math Seminar

Editorial Boards: Journal of the ACM, Theory of Computing, Stochastic Models.
Previously SICOMP (2012-2018), SIDMA (2012-2018), Math of Operations Research (2013-2020)

Recent Program Committees: ICALP 2021 (chair), ITCS 2020, Approx 2020, SODA 2020, RANDOM 2019, FOCS 2018, HALG 2018, ICALP 2018,  Approx 2017, IPCO 2017, SPAA 2017, IPDPS 2017, WAOA2016ITCS 2016ESA 2015 (chair), STOC 2014,  FOCS 2014, ICALP 2014 

Workshop Organization:

STOC 2020 Workshop on Recent advanced in discrepancy and applications
6th SDP Day, Apr 2018, CWI Amsterdam
Semester on Bridging Continuous and Discrete Optimization, Fall 2017 at UC Berkeley
Optimization and Decision-Making Under Uncertainty, Oct 2016, UC Berkeley
5th SDP Days, Jun 2016, CWI Amsterdam
Dagstuhl Seminar on Scheduling, Feb 2016, Germany
Relaxation Workshop, Nov 2015, HIM, Bonn
Scheduling under Uncertainty, June 2015, Eindhoven
Stochastic Activity Month: Probability and Combinatorics, Jan 2014, Eindoven
4th SDP Days, March 2013, CWI Amsterdam